Capturing history of Rock and Roll amongst other things!!!

I am learning that I am not alone.  AND I was never really alone.  Recently I have been introduced to other music photographers.  I am enjoying finding out about them and their work.  Recently Rolling Stone’s Baron Wolman pasted away.  His work was seen in the magazines pages during the late 60’s and early 70’s.  People like Baron Wolman blazed a path for the future of music photography.  During that time I have heard estimates that there were probably only 6 or so real music photographers.  People need to remember during that time music was radically changing.  The birth of renegade album FM radio was just beginning to happen.  America was still in Beatles mode and trying to figure out Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin. The birth of FM album rock eventually lead to MTV.  At the time American Bandstand  was the standard at least until Burt Sugarman’s Midnight Special debuted on television.  Pryor to that no one had any idea what their favorite musicians looked like except in magazines and a few news reels.    Recently I set up a 22 foot screen and project for a local college.  On the screen people stopped in amazement  as the band Redbone played from the Midnight Special in 1974.  No one had any idea that the band members were American Indians!  The had heard their music from the recent movie Guardians of the Galaxy and the movies awesome mix tape.  Now some of these fans know the rest of the story.